An open letter to the Chancellor of Germany… Should Germany support a second Holocaust

An open letter to the Chancellor of Germany… Should Germany support a second Holocaust?

mohamed younes

I know, Mr. Olaf Schulz, that your personal opinion and the opinion of the party to which you belong do not express the opinion of the great German people, but the problem is that history will write, unfortunately, that the German Chancellor in 2023 provided all forms of support to the Zionist racists who are no different at all from the Nazis. Those who committed the hateful Holocaust, Sir Olaf Schulz. It is better for you, as a senior politician, to distance Germany and the German people from getting involved again in supporting crimes against humanity and war crimes committed by a criminal group, against an entire people.
Mr. Chancellor of Germany, you may be exposed to pressure from international Zionism, and you may even be exposed to blackmail from the Zionists who are trying to exploit the Holocaust and hatred against the Jews, but does this give you the right to support a second Holocaust? Mr. Chancellor of Germany… Whoever is speaking to you today is one of the victims of Nazism. He has My father spent more than a year in Hitler’s prisons.

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