Will Saudi Arabia’s NEOM project fail? The NEOM project and Saudi Vision 2030 are under threat

Will Saudi Arabia’s NEOM project fail? The NEOM project and Saudi Vision 2030 are under threat
Mohammed Nassar
The giant Saudi NEOM project is exposed to serious threats that may lead to its failure, or at least to transform it into a giant, economically unviable project. The threats to the NEOM project, which the Saudi leadership is counting on, may lead to failure.
The announcement of the giant Emirati economic and tourism project, Ras Al-Hekma, in the Arab Republic of Egypt, came to confirm fears of the possible failure of the giant NEOM project on the Red Sea coast in Saudi Arabia. The giant Emirati project, which includes the establishment of large tourist facilities along the northern coast of Egypt on the Mediterranean Sea. It also includes the establishment of a large group of highly competitive entertainment and entertainment facilities. This simply means that the giant city of NEOM, on which Vision 2030 projects rely, is located between Dubai in the east and the cities of the northern coast in Egypt, led by Ras El Hekma, and this will make it less attractive to tourists. From all the countries of the world, any tourist from the world would prefer to choose the entertainment and tourism experience on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea in Egypt, which includes 30 percent of the world’s antiquities and is at the same time closer to Western countries, Europe and Russia than NEOM Saudi Arabia, and enjoys a better climate or Similar, at the same time, NEOM is located west of Dubai and Doha, which are located in the Arabian Gulf, but the tourism and entertainment projects in Ras El Hekma and the northern coast in Egypt are not the only threatening element to the giant NEOM project in Saudi Arabia. What is happening in the Gulf of Aden and at the southern entrance to the Red Sea also threatens to isolate The large NEOM is located on the eastern side of the world or on Asia, and this is another very serious threat to the great future project in Saudi Arabia, and on the other hand, it serves Saudi Arabia’s competitors in the region and the cities competing with Saudi NEOM. In addition to this, the Zionist war of ethnic cleansing in Gaza means… Also, the Middle East region is facing security unrest in the future, which may continue for years to come, and all of these factors threaten the NEOM project and the Saudi Vision 2030, and require a re-evaluation by the Saudi leadership of the huge projects that are considered a qualitative and historical shift for Saudi Arabia, and what is certain is that the Saudi leadership She has the ability to resolve matters and find appropriate solutions to problems.

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