The biggest hoax in human history against the American people

The biggest hoax in human history against the American people
Younes Tari
The collapse of the United States of America has already occurred, and it is no longer just an expectation or a possibility. The largest and strongest state collapsed and lost everything. America lost the values of the American state and nation, and became an abstract state completely subject to a group of racist, criminal, Nazi Zionists. The America that liberated The world of Nazism and fascism, today supports war crimes and crimes against humanity that are no less dangerous than the crimes of Nazism and fascism, and the American people today are exposed to the greatest deception in human history, the deception of supporting Israel, this lie that has exceeded all limits of reason and human understanding. The American people today pay Taxes in order to buy bombs that hit hospitals, kill infants, and commit the most horrific crimes since World War II. The American people may wake up, but it is too late, because the crimes that are taking place today in Palestine at the hands of Zionist criminal gangs are carried out with financial support and American political and legal law with the approval of all elected representatives of the American people.

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