List of hotel prices in Algiers, the cheapest hotels in Algiers

How much does a hotel room cost in Algiers?
Cheap hotel prices in Algiers
Prices of all hotels in Algiers
Cheapest hotels in Algiers
Hotels in the city of Algiers are divided into 03 categories: modest dortoire hotels, unclassified hotels, classified hotels, and multi-star tourist hotels.
The price of accommodation in simple or dortoire hotels ranges between 300 dinars per night and 500 dinars per night. As for unclassified hotels, the price of overnight stays ranges between 150 dinars per night and 6 thousand dinars. Classified tourist hotels, the price of overnight stays ranges between 12 thousand dinars for One night and 50,000 dinars per room, and the price for private suites can rise to 100,000 dinars.

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