A new major war in the Middle East in 2024

A new major war in the Middle East in 2024

Mohammed Nassar

The Al-Aqsa Flood War, despite its ugliness and extreme cruelty, is only a rehearsal for the coming war in the Middle East. The decision was made in the United States of America and Israel to destroy Syria and topple Bashar al-Assad’s regime.

The United States of America will participate by all possible military and logistical means in a long war aimed at destroying Syria, overthrowing its political regime, and introducing a new political system loyal to the United States of America, and reconciled with Israel. The war to overthrow the Syrian regime and completely destroy Syria is now a war of utmost necessity in Israel and America, and this war can never be avoided except in one case, which is an American-Israeli war against Iran, and because such a war would be very costly for the United States and Israel, the only available alternative is to overthrow the political regime that exists in Syria now. This is a strategic achievement. For the United States of America, it will achieve a very important achievement against Russia. Overthrowing the regime in Damascus means expelling Russia from Syria, and this is a major strategic achievement for decision-makers in Washington. It also means depriving Iran of access to Lebanon and the coasts of the Mediterranean, and this is What is required now is because the Americans have now realized that Iran is much more dangerous than Russia itself, and before anything, Iran must be deprived of all its allies. As for Israel, the Al-Aqsa Flood War confirmed that the Middle East cannot tolerate the presence of Iran and Israel at the same time. Either Iran disappears. Or regime change there, or the fall and collapse of Israel. Iran, which supplies Hezbollah, Hamas, and the Palestinian resistance with weapons, missile technology, and drones, will be unable to do so if the current regime in Syria falls, and there is a political regime allied with the United States of America in Damascus. This means that there is a geographical barrier and a buffer zone between Israel and Iran. We may not witness the outbreak of war, and the region may witness an intelligence operation targeting the killing of first-line leaders in Syria, or aiming to assassinate Bashar al-Assad and his most prominent leaders in the Syrian army and intelligence, and we may witness a planned uprising. To overthrow the regime or a brilliantly orchestrated and American-financed coup in Damascus, but the result must be achieved by any means.
The only Israeli response to the decline of Israel’s ability to deter its enemies is a major war against an Arab country that ends with a major and resounding victory. There is no opponent that can be defeated from an Israeli perspective more than Syria, which has an army weakened by the civil war, and if the year 2024 passes without a war occurring Against Syria, the region will likely witness a larger and more destructive war targeting Iran.

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