Warning to mercenaries working with the Zionist army
Warning to mercenaries working with the Zionist army
Younes Tari
O mercenary fighter, know that the Zionists brought you to this land in order for you to die so that their children could live. And know, mercenary fighter, that the generous money that the Zionist state offers you is in fact your country’s money if you are from America, Britain, France, or any Western country. This is money that the ruling minorities have withheld from their country’s funds because it was given to the racist Zionists. Know, mercenary fighter, that you will be killed in Gaza, and your body will be burned just as you burn the bodies of rabid dogs. But the most dangerous of all is that you may be captured and fall into the hands of… The Palestinian resistance, and you will be executed in the most horrific way possible because you are a dirty mercenary volunteer who came for money to fight with the Zionist army that killed children and women, and your body may be completely dismembered while you are alive before death.